The census of DBJ( development bank of Japan) and JTBF( Japan travel bureau foundation)reported about the travel destination after COVID-19.

They asked 6200 people from 12 countries, US, UK , France, Australia, China, Korea, Taiwan, Thai , Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia , Hong Kong.
82% of them want to travel foreign countries again! ( me too!)

Within 30 destinations of the world , the most popular destination is Japan! 46% of them answered as Japan.( multiple answers allowed)
The reasons are
1: There are tourist spots and facilities
which they want to visit .
2: Foods are delicious .
3: Have been Japan before and want to
go back.
4: It’s clean.

The ‘cleanliness’ is one of the reasons for tourism .
We should be clean than before!!

I’m Nobu, one heart enjoy together!!!