This is TOKEIJI temple in KAMAKURA, 45 minutes train from Tokyo.
It’s founded 1285 by the woman monk, the RINZAI school, which is one of the ZEN sects.
It’s known as the women’s temple from middle age, where women come here and can ask divorce from her husband.
Yes this temple saves the women from bad husband !
We call it’ cut ties temple(縁切り寺)’.
This system had been approved by the feudal government.
The Portuguese missionary who lived Japan 35 years in 16 century reported this habit with surprise, because it was not common in Europe to ask divorce from women.
From the entrance gate on top of the stairs guy couldn’t go inside the temple until 19th century.

It’s an ordinary ZEN temple now but many women who have troubles with the husband or boyfriend visit here and pray for their happy solution.
Also it’s famous for its beautiful flowers in every month.
I saw water lilies and hydrangeas this time.
If you have some troubles with boyfriend and love flowers, check out here!
I’m Nobu, one heart enjoy together!!!