Covid-19 and Japan Update 25th October 2021
I inform you the latest information about Covid-19 situation in Japan.

I’m Nobu, the certificate English guide in Japan for 7 years.I show you hidden Japan which you have never seen and heard!
Covid-19 vaccination completion rate in Japan
The current Covid-19 vaccination completion rate in Japan is 70.6% on October 25, 2021.
I put vaccination rate in each country is as follows .
Singapore 82.6 %
Spain 78.6 %
Ireland 74.9 %
Canada 73.8 %
Italy 71.9 %
Japan 70.6 %
United Kingdom 67.8 %
France 67.7 %
Germany 66.2 %
Australia 61.3%
United States 57.9 %
Cases are decreasing rapidly
In Japan, the number of Covid-19 cases is rapidly declining as vaccination rates increase.
And on October 25, the number of infected people in Tokyo was only 17. The average number of people infected in the past seven days has been 30.
The total number of cases in Japan is 153, on October 25th , an average of 300 over the past seven days.
The state of emergency has lifted completely
The state of emergency that had lasted for a long time was lifted on October 1.
And all time restrictions on restaurants , bars and pubs were lifted on October 25.

The streets at night are already crowded with people enjoying drinks with friends after a long absence.
And Japanese people have always had the habit of wearing masks to prevent colds and not to spread it to others.
Although the state of emergency in Covid-19 has been lifted, people passing through town and taking the train are still wearing masks.

The chilly season is coming closer, number of people infected with Covid-19 may increase again.
But we must take precautions.
The travel industry is booming
The travel industry is already starting to receive bookings.
And government is also looking for a time to launch a Go to Travel campaign to support the exhausted travel industry by subsidizing 50% of the cost of travel in Japan.

Entry to Japan
As for entry from overseas, as a general rule, entry is not allowed at present.
However, the situation in Japan has improved already.
If the Covid-19 infection situation in other countries improves, there is a possibility that the situation will be eased through consultations between governments.
But the current status of corona infection in major countries is as follows.
On October 23
UK 45,102
US 26,998
Germany 13,863
France 6,357
Italy 3,905
Singapore 3,503
Australia 3,396
Canada 1,118
Japan is at 153, so the situation in each country needs to be improved in order to be able to enter Japan.

So the Japanese government is afraid of entering Covid-19 cases in Japan and spread again.
And I hope that we can overcome the corona soon so that we can come and go freely!
I’m Nobu, one heart enjoy together!!!