- 0.1 Do you know which prefecture is attractive to travel in Japan?
- 0.2 There are 47 diverse prefectures in Japan
- 0.3 Prefectures Attractiveness Ranking
- 0.4 Ranking result of 2021 the first is Hokkaido
- 0.5 Kyoto is second
- 0.6 3rd is Okinawa, 4th is Tokyo
- 0.7 5th Osaka, 6th Kanagawa
- 0.8 7th Fukuoka, 8th Nagasaki
- 0.9 Which prefecture is less attractive? Is 47th prefecture Ibaraki less attractive?
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Do you know which prefecture is attractive to travel in Japan?
I’m Nobu, the certificate English guide in Japan for 7 years.I show you hidden Japan which you have never seen and heard!
There are 47 diverse prefectures in Japan

There are 47 wide range of diverse prefectures in Japan.It’s 3000 km from northmost to southmost, there are wide ranges of geographic characters, tourist spots,festivals, foods and climates.
An interesting ranking is announced by asking Japanese people what prefecture is attractive.
Prefectures Attractiveness Ranking
It is the “Prefectures Attractiveness Ranking,” which attracts great attention from all Japanese people.
This year’s ranking was announced on 9th October. The Brand Research Institute conducted this survey.
It’s based on valid responses from 35,489 consumers nationwide. It is covering 47 prefectures and 1,000 cities, towns and villages in Japan.
The survey has been conducted for prefectures since 2009, and this is the 13th time.
The “attractiveness” is an index that quantifies the brand power, or the attractiveness of a region.
In response to the question, “How attractive do you find the following municipalities?”, 100 points were given to “Very attractive”, 50 points to “Somewhat attractive”, 0 points to “Neither attractive nor unattractive”, “Not very attractive”, and “Not attractive at all”.
The higher the score, the more consumers find the area “attractive”. Here are the results of the ranking of the attractiveness of the 47 prefectures.
Ranking result of 2021 the first is Hokkaido
#1 Hokkaido
#2 Kyoto
#3 Okinawa
#4 Tokyo
#5 Osaka
#6 Kanagawa
#7 Fukuoka
#8 Nagasaki
#9 Nara
#10 Nagano,Ishikawa
First place goes to Hokkaido, which has ranked first for 13 consecutive years since the survey of prefectures began 2009.

In second place and below were Kyoto, Okinawa, Tokyo, Osaka, Kanagawa, Fukuoka, Nagasaki, and Nara prefectures, followed by Nagano and Ishikawa prefectures in 10th place.
The highest level of attractiveness among the prefectures was Hokkaido, with a score of 73.4.
The score was a significant increase from 60.8 the previous year. “A total of about 90% of the respondents answered that Hokkaido was attractive, with 57.6% saying it was “very attractive” and 31.5% saying it was “somewhat attractive. On the other hand, only 1.0% of respondents selected “not very attractive” or “not attractive at all.
Kyoto is second

Kyoto Prefecture ranked second for the 13th consecutive year. The score rose to 56.4 points from 49.9 points the previous year. The percentage of respondents who answered “very attractive” jumped from 29.4% in the previous year to 36.1% this year.
3rd is Okinawa, 4th is Tokyo

The rankings of Okinawa Prefecture (3rd) and Tokyo (4th) were the same as the previous year, but the level of attractiveness increased by more than 10 points in both cases.
Tokyo’s result can be attributed to the effect of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, which started immediately after the survey.

5th Osaka, 6th Kanagawa

In fifth place is Osaka Prefecture. With a score of 42.0, up more than 10 points from the previous year, it surpassed Kanagawa Prefecture to record the highest ranking (also the highest score) since the survey began.

Kanagawa Prefecture where Yokohama city is located, in sixth place, dropped one spot, but its score of 40.0 points was 5.3 points higher than the previous year.
7th Fukuoka, 8th Nagasaki

Fukuoka Prefecture came in 7th, tied for the highest ranking with 2013 and 2014. Also in Kyushu, Nagasaki Prefecture moved up three spots to 8th place, making it one of the top 10 prefectures since 2015, when Battleship Island and other islands became UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Most of the prefectures have increased their scores. Therefore, there are many prefectures that have seen a relative decline in their rankings despite the increase in their ratings.

In other words, a drop in ranking does not necessarily mean a drop in reputation.
Which prefecture is less attractive? Is 47th prefecture Ibaraki less attractive?
Have you ever been to Japan? Which prefecture have you visited?
This ranking will help you decide which one to travel to. However, it does not mean that the prefectures with low rankings are less attractive.
I have actually been to some of the prefectures with low rankings and found them to be very attractive.
This year’s lowest ranked prefecture is Ibaraki Prefecture, but I know that it is a wonderful place too!

I often upload the tourist spots which is less reputation and unknown for foreign tourists.
I can introduce attractive tourist attractions in any prefecture !
I’m Nobu, one heart enjoy together!!!