‘SHIBA INU as a family’
Shiba Inu is one of the most popular pets in Japanese family .

The hight is 35-40cm as an adult, proper size for Japanese house . 80% of dog owners have Shiba Inu .Akita is also popular but 65-70cm tall and a bit big in ordinary Japanese house .
Shiba and Akita both are national protected species in Japan.

Shiba Inu is very smart , playful and faithful. Shiba will be your one more family and a child . This Shiba Inu is ‘SHIBA-KUN’ famous for his help of owner’s cigarette shop. He opens the window of the shop when customers visit here . This shop has closed already , SHIBA-KUN is enjoying his life with owner everyday still !!

I’m Nobu, one heart enjoy together!!!