The beginning of new year SHOGATSU ( 正月)starts from the first visit to the shrines and the temples to pray new year resolution.
I’m at MEIJI shrine in HARAJUKU, the biggest Shinto shrine in Tokyo.

It’s the number one popular first visit place to offer prayer, over 3 million people visit here in every New Years days .
There are less people than usual due to Covid-19 this year, I guess almost half of them .
Anyway the big offertory box has set in front of the main hall, people throw money for it .
We throw coin in the offertory box and pray like this .
1: two bows
2: two claps
3 : pray
4: one bow lastly.
I hope this year will be a nice year for you and your family!!
Happy new year!!
I’m Nobu, one heart enjoy together!!!