Do you know how to care Satsuki bonsai?
I’m Nobu, I like traveling overseas and in Japan, visited 25 countries. I’ve got the license of the certificate English guide in Japan for 8 years.
I show you hidden Japan which you have never seen and heard of!
Kokufu bonsai exhibition

I went to the Kokufu Bonsai Exhibition at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
There were many beautiful bonsais.
This is satsuki (azalea)bonsai.
A satsuki bonsai gets large flowers even on a small pot.

There are many varieties of satsuki bonsai.
And it grows quickly, so it is easy to grow as a bonsai.
Also it is very popular as a representative of flower bonsai.
Flower color differs depending on the variety.

Prefers a sunny location.
Keep it in a well-ventilated location at least 30cm above the ground.

It is very water-loving.
As a rule of thumb, water once a day in spring and fall, once every two days in winter, and twice in mid-summer.
When the topsoil dries out, it should be watered thoroughly.

Prune in June by cutting the flower stalks from the base.
If you want to keep it compact, cut from the middle of the branches.
The tips of the branches are divided into three or more branches.
You should be cut them leaving two branches.
The satsuki plant produces branches one after another from the base of the plant.
If you leave them as they are, the shape of the tree will become unbalanced.
So you pick them off as soon as possible.

Apply wire to new branches after flowering while they are still soft.
Since it grows quickly, remove the wire when it starts to dig in, and repeat the process again.
Leaf trimming

Trim the leaves to increase the number of twigs and to make the leaves uniform in size.
The best time is around July after flowering.
I think you can care them by yourself!
I’m Nobu, one heart enjoy together!!!