‘MATSUO SHRINE, the hidden tourist spot in Kyoto-1’
I visited MATSUO shrine in west part of Kyoto. It’s located at the bottom of the west hill of Kyoto.
The real object of worship is high up the mountain 223m. The object called ‘IWAKURA’ and people offer prayer from the ancient time here .

AD 701 the local powerful family felt the presence of God and founded this shrine.
I like this shrine because it’s not popular like other famous shrines and temples, very calm and quiet.
This God has been thought as the symbol and the guardian of SAKE ( Japanese fermented alcohol) from feudal age. Many breweries offer SAKE barrels and bottles here .

The servant of this God is the turtle here.

( not like lions and foxes like other shrine) So you can see several turtle statues in the hands wash and precinct.
When I visit this shrine , always feel the power of nature and can get the energy.
If you want to feel the power of nature and want to get energy in Japan, check out here!!
I’m Nobu, one heart enjoy together!!!