‘SAKURA EXPLOSION at HIGASHI-HONGANJI TEMPLE in Kyoto, minutes walk from Kyoto station’
I came across the SAKURA EXPLOSION at HIGASHI HONGANJI temple in Kyoto.
If you don’t have enough time to go sightseeing for famous temples in Kyoto , visit HIGASHI-HONGANJI TEMPLE the nearest temple from Kyoto station 5 minutes walk!
Was founded 1321, JODOSHINSHU school, HIGASHI-HONGANJI TEMPLE has one of the biggest temple buildings in Japan.
There are MIEIDOU( the main hall) and AMIDADOU( Amida Buddha hall) 2 big halls , MIEIDOU has a huge prayer area and AMIDADOU has a beautiful golden color interior!

It’s free , you can sit on the tatami floor and meditate and pray for a while forgetting daily busyness !
If you want to feel the atmosphere of Buddhism quickly in Kyoto, check out here!!
I’m Nobu, one heart enjoy together!!!