‘SHODO( 書道)’
I came across the children’s SHODO exhibition in MEIJI shrine.

SHODO( 書道)is the Japanese traditional art form of characters which develops the beauty of the characters and improves our inner mind .
It’s originally from China, imported Japan 6-7 centuries.
Now it’s a elementary school mandatory subject in Japan.

To learn how to write a beautiful letter is a good training for concentration and setting our mind still in any occasion.
We have 4 characters,
1: HIRAGANA ( ひらがな)
2: KATAKANA ( カタカナ)
4: KANJI( 漢字)
5: ROMAJI( roomaji).
We use these 4 characters daily everywhere in books, newspapers, advertising’s.
We enjoy writing the different feeling of each characters up to the mood and purpose.
In the SHODO exhibition, I like ’ いのち’( life) writing the best by elementary 1st grader 7 years old boy. It’s a powerful writing and reminds us the importance of our life .

Under the COVID-19 situation we have to keep safe our life and lives people around us .
It’s until the end of January.
If you’re interested in the SHODO, come to MEIJI shrine January 5-31st.
You can feel the children’s art work and prayer !!
I’m Nobu, one heart enjoy together!!!