‘UNKAI TRRACE ( sea of clouds terrace) at TOMAMU in Hokkaido-2’
I visited UNKAI TERRACE ( sea of clouds terrace) in TOMAMU , HOSHINO resort hotel in Hokkaido .
This area is famous for its beautiful sea of clouds in the morning.
We take a 13minutes gondola to the terrace by 1900 yen( 19 dollars) 1520yen( 15.2 dollars) if you stay HOSHINO resort hotel by return ticket.
There are a cafe , a post, 6 observatories called ‘ cloud bar’ ‘ cloud walk’ ‘ sky edge ‘ ‘ cloud bed’ ‘ contour bench’ ‘ cloud pool’ .
We arrive the cafe area by gondola.
This photos and videos are’ cloud pool’ which on the highest point.
HOSHINO resort hotel up loads the ‘ today’s sea of clouds information’ every morning from 04:30.
You had better check we can see them or not that day.
The whole area is all nice view because it’s on the high panorama mountain.
If you want to feel the another beauty of nature of Japan, check out here!
I’m Nobu, one heart enjoy together!!!