‘How we enjoy Mt.Fuji in 2 ways ? The lave gravel and the forest. ‘
I climbed Mt.Fuji in half-day without staying at the mountain hut.
It’s called’ bullet climbing’.
I don’t recommend it for not fit people. It causes height sick often.
I started 5th station of FUJINOMIYA entrance 23:10 night and reached the Mt.Fuji top 4:20, by 5 hours 10 minutes. I rested 9 th hut and ate light hot meal to warmth my body.
I stayed on the top enjoying the’ holly sunrise’ and walking around the crater.
It’s was -6 ℃( 21℉) on the top , freezing cold.
I ate breakfast on the top and went down at 6:30 and arrived 5th station of SUBASHIRI at 9:30 by 3 hours.
SUBASHIRI trail crossed the long lave gravel and reached the forest line.
It’s a dramatical change of sceneries.
If you want to experience the 2 aspects of Mt.Fuji, check it out!
I’m Nobu, one heart enjoy together!!!