I uploaded ‘TOKYO CAMP ‘ video ,it’s an urban solo camping at MEIJI SHRINE .

I speak in Japanese but put subtitles in Japanese, English and by automatic translation subtitles French, German ,Spanish ,Italian ,Chinese( Taiwan ,mainland China),Thai.
You click the gear wheel mark below and look for your language.
I don’t think it’s good but you can guess what I’m talking .
Tokyo is a huge city with many buildings. But there are many nature too. I always enjoy urban camping .
00:00 urban camp what to bring, explanation about the surroundings
04:20 COVID-19, my impression
05:50 winter weather in Japan
07:20 trash cans in Japan
10:20 MEIJI SHRINE how to enjoy
13:00 new year festival of business prosperity
14:50 Craw in Japan
16:10 Japan football team symbol is 3legs Craw from myth
18:00 best travel season is winter?
This is my daily blog TOKYO travel TIPS
Enjoy Tokyo as locals do!
I’m Nobu ,one heart enjoy together!!